Sunday, September 16, 2012

8/19/2012 FBBQ time!

 Family BBQ!

I was invited by Lisa to take some pictures at her back yard family BBQ. It was a great way to spend a few hours with some truly down to earth genuine people. I can honestly say that nobody has ever serenaded me while I was taking their picture- and now I can :) Lisa's father is hands down an outstanding guy- Fun, loving, humorous and entertaining. A gentleman so personality packed I could only assume he's the cherry on top to most of their family gatherings...actually I could probably guarantee.

Yes- lawn chair waffle butt prints, an extremely high possibility of sauce or beverage stains, not remembering what solo cup is yours and kids with super soakers are BBQ staples. Sometimes these are the days & the moments that we remember most. It's the conversations that float across a table full of people- some eats to munch on- good weather on an August afternoon- those extra minutes of summer sun making the day enjoyable just that much longer and family.



  These crack me up... it's pretty clear that having fun, joking around, and taunting one another doesn't skip any generations in this family. 


 All because two people.. 


  1. Amazing shots - they're gonna cherish and I love your commentary. SO you.

  2. beautiful pictures!!!! they will certainly cherish them.

    Holli (lynn's friend)
